Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Creativity more important than Language?!!

Today while discussing our assignment, one of my group members worried that the outcome would not be good. She was worried about the grammar errors or that sort of mistakes that we may make. So, trying to convince her, I said that with me on the team we can put that part of her worries aside(since my language skills is the best in the group) but another member ( we will call Miss D to protect her identity)said one sentence that kinda hurt my feelings as a would be English student...

She said:"Creativity is the most important factor, language is not THAT important. Without creativity, even your language is good also no use." I was shocked so I said ,"Ouch it hurts man!" meaning her comment is somewhat rude. But she didnt get the hint and continue on," But its true what, creativity is MORE important than language..."

As I listen to her point I couldnt help but wonder is her point of view true? After all the world now really depends on one's creativity skills... but then with my honor as a future english degree holder, I couldn't help but feel a little bit angry with her comment.If creativity is THAT important why don't designers just sell their design without talking just SHOW would be enough, all the dilly-dally of talking and selling and persuading with LANGUAGE is not important at all? Why don't a company promote their product just by showing the product without doing a proposal and advertising? Yes, maybe she was talking about grammar wise or something else about language we use but its just... I dunno... not logic....

Language is the most important part of our lives and when you master a kind of language for example English, that skill alone can take you all over the world! I disagree about that point of hers but I stopped myself from saying anything since it may lead to an arguement with my hot temper and all... and also due to the fact that my friend told me the reason why my old-best-friend ignored me(reason=my attitude+the way I talk+I'm moody)

I'm not that kind of person that likes to socialize but I really try not to butt into other people's business and tried very hard to go with the flow... but it seems that there is always something missing, something that is not enough!!

Anyway, since life is hard as it is I try not to care about the negative things ... ... see you guys later!^^


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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Creativity more important than Language?!!

Posted by rebecca at 6:30 AM
Today while discussing our assignment, one of my group members worried that the outcome would not be good. She was worried about the grammar errors or that sort of mistakes that we may make. So, trying to convince her, I said that with me on the team we can put that part of her worries aside(since my language skills is the best in the group) but another member ( we will call Miss D to protect her identity)said one sentence that kinda hurt my feelings as a would be English student...

She said:"Creativity is the most important factor, language is not THAT important. Without creativity, even your language is good also no use." I was shocked so I said ,"Ouch it hurts man!" meaning her comment is somewhat rude. But she didnt get the hint and continue on," But its true what, creativity is MORE important than language..."

As I listen to her point I couldnt help but wonder is her point of view true? After all the world now really depends on one's creativity skills... but then with my honor as a future english degree holder, I couldn't help but feel a little bit angry with her comment.If creativity is THAT important why don't designers just sell their design without talking just SHOW would be enough, all the dilly-dally of talking and selling and persuading with LANGUAGE is not important at all? Why don't a company promote their product just by showing the product without doing a proposal and advertising? Yes, maybe she was talking about grammar wise or something else about language we use but its just... I dunno... not logic....

Language is the most important part of our lives and when you master a kind of language for example English, that skill alone can take you all over the world! I disagree about that point of hers but I stopped myself from saying anything since it may lead to an arguement with my hot temper and all... and also due to the fact that my friend told me the reason why my old-best-friend ignored me(reason=my attitude+the way I talk+I'm moody)

I'm not that kind of person that likes to socialize but I really try not to butt into other people's business and tried very hard to go with the flow... but it seems that there is always something missing, something that is not enough!!

Anyway, since life is hard as it is I try not to care about the negative things ... ... see you guys later!^^

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